Why do I suck at plumbing? Because I don't love it! Read this post to see how that simple principle matters to your success. Read More
From About.com Small Business Canada, here is a comprehensive resource page with links to critical information, some more specific to Canada, but much of it worth considering no matter where you are thinking of buying a franchise. Topics include a self-examination to determine whether or not franchising is the proper fit for your business ambitions, a look at the advantages and disadvantages and Read More
Whether you are marketing to a local or international traveler, your brochures should leave a good impression on your clients. Your travel agency brochures should not just be pieces of folded paper containing information about your business. Instead, your prints should also address your clients’ needs to make your brochures useful resources for them. Read More
How to use statistics to help drive sales or convince prospects how good your product or service is.

Statistics in sales are what can differentiate you from your competition. Read More
Marketers for hotels must find ways to fill beds without sacrificing price. Basically, avoid buying business with extreme discounts just to keep the doors open. While the pros and cons to leveraging social marketing channels to grow revenue have already been touched on, the value of direct digital marketing is gaining momentum in hotel marketing circles. Read More

split personalityLaunching a successful website is no easy task. There are many practical and technical details to assemble and implement and many business and marketing objectives to consider. Generally speaking, there is no one person, such as a web designer, who can pull this job off. Worse yet, the business owner turned do-it-yourself web site creator, even armed with a simple site creati Read More
I used this image in a recent presentation on social media to help set the table for one of my primary themes – social media is not a single tool or tactic, it’s more of a strategy or behavior.

Suggest a caption in the comments here – Click to enlarge

duct tape rulesI was wondering if you my readers could help me out by suggesting captions for this image. Simply write a clever caption in Read More
A feature on a unique start up out of St. Louis Missouri. Yurbuds makes custom fitted ear buds and has raised venture money in a down economy. Read More
Part of our daily experience is the commute to and from work. Right now that experience is taking money out of our pockets when we could be using it as an opportunity to put money in our pockets! Read More
I explained some of the relationships I have formed through Twitter. They became REAL excited when I gave examples of the relationship aspect of Twitter, after all, isn’t that one of the biggest parts of sales as well, relationship building? Read More

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