When people think branding, they often just think it’s a logo or business card. Or they think of the opposite extreme like Apple or Virgin and assume they will never have the budgets to “brand effectively.” While dazzling branding is more than just pretty pictures, it also is something that is easily attainable, if businesspeople put the right thought and effort into it. Read More
A blog is a powerful online marketing tool. Click here to find out ways to maximize this resource as well as other online marketing tips and strategies. Read More
Do you think you have a great website? What makes a website great? Click here now to find out what you might be doing wrong. Read More
In today’s credit restricted economy it is critical for business owners to be aware of all the various forms of financing available, including invoice factoring. Here is an overview of this form of commercial financing. Read More
Looking for ways to better use your time at work and at home? Use these 7 simple time management techniques and reclaim your lost time. Read More
Every customer who cancels due to a lack of features (or any other fixable reason) translates to time and effort you spent sending them to your website and converting them into a customer. Think about it this way: if your conversion rate is 1%, losing a single customer is like 100 people never coming to your website. Strike that traffic from your logs. I'm a bit weepy just thinking about it. Read More
How do companies inspire only 29% of their employees to care? Here's 3 easy ways. They must be easy as so many companies do them. Now, if you want to inspire 71% of your employees to care...there are 3 easy ways listed, too. Read More
Are you looking to attract more high-quality leads in 2010 and position your business as a leader? Then you'll want to check out White Paper Success Summit 2010. This has become the biggest marketing and education related event of the year in support of the white paper medium.

If you're also interested in learning about "Short Attention Marketing", I'll be conducting a special session on how t Read More
This is a follow-up post to my 10 Great Link Building Techniques where I share some additional ways to build inbound links to your website or blog. I’m going to skip all the intro fluff and get right to it. Read More
Many of America’s 77 million baby boomers have found themselves unemployed due to layoffs or company closings at a time in their life when slowing down is the last thing they want to do. In our current economic environment with 10%+ unemployment and about 7% under-employment, if you are 55 and older, the odds of reentering the work force at the position you last enjoyed are very slim. For every o Read More

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