You've decided to buy a laptop and managed to save up enough money to afford it. Congratulations! You're excited, energetic and can't wait to get that laptop home. Unfortunately, there are a few things you should know before buying that new laptop. Read More
AT&T asked 10 leading bloggers to put two new Windows Mobile devices to the test – by using the device in place of their laptop for two weeks. In one corner, we’ve given five parents bloggers an HTC PURE to help them keep work and family life balanced. In the other, we’ve given five small business bloggers an HTC Tilt 2 for faster email and document sending. Now they tell us what it's like...
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I saw this video and thought, any of us including myself could have been guilty of committing this crime. Lets all join the Zero Fatalities organization to help Read More
A great example of how Flip Camera has tapped into the power of social media combined with email marketing. Read More
Will the US economy stall at the hands of small business? The White House met with 130 business voices to listen and learn. What they heard was that there are no sure answers and many opinions. Some business owners say they can't get access to credit, others say their debt load is too high and wouldn't access credit if they could. If small business is the "backbone" or the recovery, it appears we Read More
A great list of essential books to read if you plan to market your business with a blog and social media. Read More
Diversity in the workplace will demand a new work culture. Business owners must be prepared for the changes and engage the process or have a difficult time doing business. Read More
E-Commerce means to buy and sell products and services across the internet. E-commerce is growing very popular with widespread Internet usage. Today E- commerce is providing a fast and easy way of exchanging products and services globally. An e-commerce website means your 24 x 7 x 365 days business. You can earn money when you are sleeping. It’s very easy to setup an e -commerce site without inve Read More
Software as a Service is changing the way small businesses run. This exclusive interview is with PointLoyalty a SaaS provider that is taking customer loyal programs from the realms of big business and putting it within the easy reach of all of us small business people!
I hope you'll enjoy this interview, the first of many interviews with the people behind SaaS.
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Is pervasive business intelligence an exaggeration? Should it really be for everybody, or just a select few employees? Hint: if everybody gains, and it's cost-effective to do so, why not? Read More

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