cogitate links genetic variation to individual empathy, stress levels Researchers have discovered a genetic variation that may build up to how empathetic a human is, besides how that person reacts to stress. In the first study of its kind, a variation in the hormone/neurotransmitter oxytocin's receptor was linked to a person's ability to infer Read More
The secret to creating a good press release lies in knowing what's newsworthy about your business. You're so busy running your business that you don't have time to think about what makes it tick. But if you want to succeed in generating publicity, it's worth investing a little time in thinking about what makes your business stand out. Read More
As “no decisions” grow, it makes sense to be prepared by analyzing them along with wins and losses in order to be able to get ahead of these prospect and decide the best course, including walking away and investing time and resources in other opportunities. Read More
I realise that I'm only recently beginning to explore and listen to my internal 'authentic' voice — historically I have primarily placed my faith in my intellectual capabilities, confident in the knowledge that they have served we well in the past and are generally sufficient to meet the challenge at hand. But I need to move on to another level, Read More
You've probably been charged with this yourself, it is a key entrepreneurial trait. And now it seems we were right all along. Cloud computing is here, but what does that mean in practical terms? How does it make you smarter, faster, richer? Here's our story: Read More
When I talk with business-owners who've been slow to set about building their brand, I find their reluctance often comes down to a belief that brand-building is an expensive business. Of course, the big brands often spend a lot of money on creating their brands and even more telling the world about them but building your brand doesn't need to cost Read More
Whatever is the opposite of a Green Thumb, well that is me. As I was talking to a friend the other day about my misadventures it dawned on me that there are marketing lessons in what I have been doing. Read More
Just because your customers are buying from you, doesn't mean they're getting what they really want. Read More
Hard times are hard on small businesses, but there are ways to attempt to cut costs and raise revenue during a downturn without layoffs and slashing benefits. In this article from we are shown some of these solutions which might not at first occur to a business owner, ideas like removing poor selling products from inventory or Read More

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