Here's a simple breakdown of the short code basics Read More
OMG I CAN'T THINK OF WHAT TO WRITE!!!!!! We all say it. Truth is, it's not that you can't think of what to write - you don't want to think of what to write. Every day you're bombarded by potential ideas for articles and blog posts. Here are a few I've used time and again. Read More
Tiger Woods is a success who is having to deal with a personal failure. Business owners glean staying power from golf legand legacy. Read More
Japanese Yen: Intervention Fears Stall Strengthening—For Now!
On the heels of the Bank of Japan’s emergency meeting at the beginning of the week in which policy-makers decided to extend quantitative easing to its credit markets, Japanese officials led by Prime Minister Hatoyama are suggesting various degrees of intervention to keep the yen from strengthening. Or are they?
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I know what you're thinking. Despite it all, you've had a decent year. You deserve a little something for all that hard work. That gorgeous Callaway FT-5-TH driver, for example, would be pretty sweet out on the links. Okay, Tiger, that's fine... if you're somehow connected to the PGA.

Well, here's 5 must-haves you, your successful CEO, should have.
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So why and how do CEOs use Twitter? Well, the reasons may vary, but the benefits they reap remain the same across the board. In general, CEOs could use Twitter to: Read More
4. Praise early, often and late. Harvard Business Management offers a Tip of the Day. And a recent one listed 3 Tips for Giving Praise that Motivates. The three tips were excellent: 1. Be Specific. 2. Praise with Actions, Not... Read More
Mrs. Fields Cookies, that is. It seems that Mrs. Fields Cookies franchisees are quite the happy bakers, down under. From Franchise.Net.Au ; One of the recently opened stores is located at Sydney International Airport. "It has been very successful as... Read More
They follow procedures. They follow rules. They put their egos off to the side. They just want to win. To them, winning means being profitable. It also may mean things like; Having more freedom than a job offers Being in... Read More
Executive search. You've probably been called by a "headhunter," once or twice, and sometimes these can be great opportunities to learn about new positions that are available. The executive search business can be a tough. It's obviously cyclical. But Sherry... Read More

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