Any organization may find itself in the media spotlight, for good reasons or bad. You can't hide but you can be prepared to meet the press whenever the opportunity arises. Read More
Has our comfort level with texting changed the way we read business information such as white papers? I think so. But as we grow increasingly comfortable with short messages our attention spans also grow shorter. This blog post will offer suggestions on how you can transform your white papers in a way that will appeal to this new and growing audie Read More
In recent years, the notion of a “green economy” has gathered steam. The conversation accelerated when the economy worsened and unemployment rose and suddenly, a green economy was seen by many as a pathway out of the current economic situation. Read More
As the Beatles once sang, there is today another revolution coming. This time, driven by hard economic times and job insecurities, many are looking to a home business revolution. Whether you intend for your business only to start at home in an office in the den or even at the kitchen table and then grow or whether you plan for it to stay there, wo Read More
What do you need to start a home business? Not much. In fact, some experts insist working from home is the best way to start any small business, if at all possible. The arrangement allows you to do without the overhead that renting an office brings. Here are some other things you may be able to do without that may surprise you. Read More
Getting press for your home business can be a lot more complicated than sending out a press release to your local newspaper or TV station. But it may not be as hard as you might think either. The key, as the following article explains, is to become an expert. Read More
Here are the rules of project management. Project management skills are essential for project managers, and any other managers who manage complex activities and tasks, because complex tasks are projects. Read More
Is it easy to manage a project? It is definitely not, is it easy to manage businesses? We all know it isn't, but like in any other field there are some written and unwritten rules, that helps to survive and just do business, so here are some business management tips that gathered from different resources: Read More
You don't have to be a fortune 500 (or even a fortune 500,000) company to take advantage of these tips for good business practice. In fact, some of the best small businesses have evolved and succeeded by implementing some of these principles. Read More
If a concept is well researched, the marketing of it is easy! Marketing is all about giving customers what they want! So it makes sense that a well researched marketing strategy needs to understand what the customer values and what motivates them. Read More

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