Even the most seasoned executives make blunders in the sales process that are easily fixed. Before you lose more business, Jim Lewis, CEO of Princeton Sales Partners and author of Five Deadly Sins CEOs Make in Sales, recommends that you keep in mind these five selling sins. Read More
Here are some tips on what leaders can do to promote openness, honesty, and ethical behavior as part of a strategic communication plan, according to Larry Johnson and Bob Phillips, coauthors of Absolute Honesty: Building a Corporate Culture That Values Straight Talk and Rewards Integrity. Read More
Integrating video to your online content strategy offers a number of benefits. There are 5 kinds of easy, cost-effective videos that can help contribute to everything from acquisition strategy to public relations and branding. Read More
Spending on cause-related-marketing, one of the latest marketing trends, is projected to reach $1.57 billion this year, a 3.1% increase over 2008, according to the IEG Sponsorship Report. But how can a growing business affordably rally support for a cause? Here are some ideas. Read More
Voip may be the best technology in place of PSTN with its amazing features and cheap phone offers worldwide, yet there are always two sides of a story. Voip users maybe on the rise, yet there is no denying that there are some general problems being based by 'internet phone' or Voip phone users. Read More
The vast majority of salespeople working today don't want to be high pressure sellers. In fact, some have a fear of using pressure to gain sales and avoid assertive, professional selling techniques because of their hyper-sensitivity to high pressure selling. Read More
The final article in a series of 28 articles on sales effectiveness based on the principles outlined in David Kilcullen's 28 Articles for Counterinsurgency. Read More
If your Apple's laptop keyboard gets damaged or any of its key falls off, you can repair it by going through the steps in this installation guide. Read More
Call it lies, misleading or what have you, you can prevent being mislead by using basic questions and follow through routines to quantify opportunities and prospect. Read More

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