There is a conversation happening online. More than any other marketing method in the course of history, small business has the upper hand in the arena of social networking over big corporations. Read More
White-glove Blogging is providing the most valuable and superb content free to your niche audience. I'm not talking about an online journal of your daily thoughts or opinions. I'm speaking of actual steps, facts or lessons others can apply immediately after reading. Read More
WebriQ, an online web content management software has launched its Template contest. The company will award the best template design but also the best designed E-commerce site and the site with the most original content. The start of the contest will be on November 13th, but you can get a sneak preview of the contest Read More
2010 Business Translation User Survey Business buyers of translation from around the world are being invited to share their views and opinions on their translation experiences in 2009, alongside professionals from the translation industry itself. Your participation will help us to build upon the findings of previous studies through a range o Read More
Yes, it's probably happened to all of us. An overdue account creates a difficulty for any operating business trying to decide how to finally collect and how much time to spend. In this video from SBTV expert Cliff Ennico gives some insight about the steps to take when faced with a client that simply will not pay. Start diplomatically and move on Read More
This slide presentation on startup expert Dr. Susan L. Reed's six tips to recession-proof your business reviews some of the basics of building a good business in the first place. Great customer service, increased value, connecting to give instead of get: It's all part of creating a great business no matter what the economic environment. See the Read More
Small and medium sized businesses need to think simultaneously about three goals: short term, medium term, and long term. Find out how to keep track of all of these goals at once! Read More
The Currency Market: Ruled by Rhetoric Is there an easier market to trade right now than the currency market? There are basically 2 trades going on: risk taking and risk aversion. While this will come as no surprise to anyone who's in this market, investors in both the stock and commodities markets should also pay attention. Read More
How is “Culture” created within organisations? Well, if we start from the bottom and work our way up, staff look to their bosses and replicate what they see and what they specifically replicate are the “behaviours” that they see, the “how” things are done. This works its way up the food chain and what companies end up with is a company of people Read More
Agreement is a powerful thing. Managing agreement can be as tricky as managing conflict. Read More

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