According to research, the retention rate as a result of Training lies at about 20% — depending on which sources you check. If followed by Coaching, the retention increases dramatically to over 80%. This pretty much follows the Pareto Principal. It is also claimed that Coaching can increase ROI to 6-1. Read More
Another interesting outcome is that blog posts now have a much longer lifespan. In 2007, only 6% of total engagement happened after the day of posting , while in 2008 it was up to 17%. This year it has more than doubled with a full 36% of engagement happening after day one. Read More
Every time something changes, something starts — and something else comes to an end. Think about your life so far: birth, school, work, redundancy, marriage, relocation, separation. Each time you encountered one of life's inevitable changes, something began while something else ended. Read More
Blog outlining some simple steps for SMEs to introduce a backup and DR facility. Read More
Number 25 of 28 articles on sales effectiveness based on Kilcullen's 28 Articles for Counterinsurgency. Read More
Most sellers acknowledge that what they are fighting is the status quo, unfortunately their selling approach just confirms their sameness to the buyer. To overcome sameness, you need to sell differently. Read More
Many Online Small Home Business Opportunities tell YOU - YOU don't need to talk to people, YOU don't need to sell products or YOU don't need to close sales. Then, what do they want YOU to do? and how do they support YOU? Read More
Learn how to outsource your Internet business to the Philippines within these 10 FREE videos. Get the report with Tim Ferriss, Jeff Mills and John Jonas who reveals their secrets. Read More
Ever wonder how to follow up with business prospects without being annoying? Keith Rosen, sales advisor at gives a sample in this video of how to talk to a prospect for permission to follow up if a potential client or customer simply isn't yet ready to buy. Here is a sample of Keith's technique. Read More

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