What the heck is a keyword and why is it important to search engine optimization? Learn about the keyword selection process in an easy-to-understand explanation (video or written, your choice). Read More
Social Media is now the number 1 activity on the web. Many companies in Ireland are now using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to source candidates. As a job seeker social media can give you great visibility and let employers find you. Read More
America's small and midsize businesses (SMBs) remain cash-constrained with many turning to alternative sources of capital to meet their short-term financing needs. As a result, the practice of selling receivables is showing signs of becoming a growth category as more mainstream companies turn to it. Read More
Most businesses would like to develop their markets and embrace the opportunity of developing internationally— but very few actually do anything about going global. Part of the reason behind this lethargy is a lack of knowledge about their international market opportunities. Some in-house international market research can provide you with the kn Read More
Instead, if Jim hires his kids, making their wages a valid business expense, he saves about 30% on what he is paying them, by making sure their money is on the before tax side of the formula.

Sales minus Business Expenses (including paying the kids) = Profit. Profit minus tax = Jim's money. Read More
With 2010 fast approaching a recent survey of 2000 marketers by the Center for Media Research looked at the most popular mediums used. It found that while email is still the most popular, social networks look set to soon overtake it. Read More
The easiest way to learn things is by repeated exposure, ideally in small bursts that don't take too much time. That's exactly how Internet Riches author Scott Fox designed his new Traffic Building School! Watching one short video each day for 50+ days will teach you a LOT about online marketing. This new course is free for the first Read More
When Goldman Sachs announced $500 million in funding for "small business" many small companies hit hard by the recession lined up to get a piece of the action...only to find they didn't fit into the company's criteria for planned recipients of the funding. For more, read the story from the Wall Street Journal's online network in the small bus Read More
A business that makes the decision to be environmentally-conscious will often promote goodwill among potential customers, while making the world a better place for future generations. Many businesses hesitate to adopt green practices because they fear it will hurt their bottom line and negatively impact profits. But many eco-conscious businesses d Read More
One easy way to promote your business is through customer testimonials. Asking satisfied customers to say a bit about their experience with your business adds to your credibility and can be an inexpensive yet powerful way to market your product, especially if large numbers of people are still unfamiliar with your brand, who you are and what you do Read More

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