I always thought that expanding my business at a steady pace was a smart move. Now I worry that it could potentially kill us. Read More
Some people are stronger at things than others. That's what makes business so magical. Before you get into new collaborations, take some time to get to know your own personal SWOT. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. Read More
If you watch any kind of TV and pay attention to the ads — the images, the sounds, and the appeal — it's all very youthful — cool, fresh, and relevant. Major brands like the Pepsi's and Starbucks of the world 'get it' and have made it a PR/marketing best practice for many years to tap this market. There is huge importance of tapping into the you Read More
During a recession, most companies are looking to cut costs. And the first thing they are likely to cut? Marketing costs. Read More
When it comes to understanding your market segments, government statistics are among the best available sources of information. For example, the publication Statistical and Metropolitan Area Data Book provides useful data on metropolitan areas, central cities, and counties. The Small Business Administration is another great resource. Here are some Read More
Small business websites can gain additional exposure, traffic, and sales by using search engine optimization (SEO). Building SEO into your site early on can be a lot easier than coming back later to overhaul coding or content that isn't search engine friendly. Read More
According to Tom Northup, author of Five Hidden Mistakes CEOs Make, business owners must understand the key success factors that drive their marketplace, and develop those into core competencies as part of the business development process. “It's also important to set achievable goals meant to improve your processes and the things your people do to Read More
Number 11 in a 28 part series on sales effectiveness, based on Kilcullen's original article on counter-insurgency. The entry covers the need to avoid knee jerk reactions. Read More
A whimsical look at people, their actions, thought lines and, interesting their choices. Their actions and words at times helps to confirm some basics about sales, and at times leaves you looking for reasons as to why they act as they did to begin with. Read More
How to make YouTube videos that builds your fan base and get you gigs. Read More

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