The number of texts sent and received every day exceeds the Earth`s population! It took radio 38 years to reach 50 million people, yet Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months! If Facebook were a country, it would be the fourth largest country in the world, after the U.S. Ashton Kutcher and Ellen DeGeneres have more Twitter follo Read More
Women have skills that are magical when applied to building a business, and tend to naturally utilize these skills because they are so much a part of their everyday lives.... Read More
Are you using Facebook for business? Millions of people have flocked to the popular social networking Web site for personal reasons, but businesses - especially small ones - are increasingly using the service to connect with customers. What's great is that Facebook allows companies to interact with customers, not just push sales promotions and spe Read More
Here are useful tips to help any small business or entrepreneur be more effective at making cold calls for increased sales. These are tips offered by seasoned sales experts. Read More
A list of the most common marketing mistakes of small business owners. Read More
The franchise community is starting to get it. Kind of... Read More
Here's what a Canadian franchise lawyer says about franchise ownership. Do you agree? Read More
Here's a GREEN Franchise for November, over on The Franchise King Blog.. Read More
video watchers like us have become judges, and for the last month, we have “voted” for our top 10 most viral videos: Read More
Before you take too many new business pot shots, consider a business development do-over. There is no better opportunity to rethink how you pursue new clients than when the slate has been wiped more or less clean. Read More

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