How to use PLR content to generate income. Read More
Facebook is continuing to move forward with initiatives to spread its platform outside the walls of Facebook. The early implementations of Facebook connect by third-party sites focused primarily on allowing users to register and login via Facebook, rather than having to register through the site itself, but new implementations are taking things mu Read More
This is a great analogy about how, like road maps, the financial model of a business can become outdated pretty quickly! Read More
Product naming is hard. This is the kind of thing that keeps you up at night, even after you've made the decision. And asking opinions is fine, but more often than not the people you ask are not in your demographic: "Hi Mom. Things are good, thanks. Hey while I have you on the phone, what do you think I should call my enterprise level encryption Read More
Before you begin to sell, you will need to decide who you're going to sell to. This means finding your Target Market. If you know who you're selling to, you immediately have the advantage of being focused on a specific market and knowing who and what you need to research. Read More
Small business owners and entrepreneurs are sold on social media. By now the vast majority know it is a tool they need to use for building community and promotions. But the “how” is still a lingering frustration for many of them. Read More
Online marketing has experienced an interesting shift. From PPC advertising to today's social media marketing. But what did this new channel bring us? Read More
Forget the paid speaking career for now and start speaking for leads. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind to make your free speaking career pay off big. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind to make your free speaking career pay off big. Read More
Commodities & Stocks Ready to Bounce or Rally? Read More
We write a lot about the battles for the enterprise, the merits of Sharepoint and Google's pitches into the corporate world. But it's always good to watch the new players who use existing open-source software to build something pretty quickly that people can use. OfficeMedium is a service that is a fit for the small business user with just en Read More

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