Starting a small business is indeed a very exciting endeavor, especially if you are going to bring with you your family to facilitate the business. Think of the best small business that may be handled by your family. Bringing your family to your business may reduce the risk of putting investment. Read More
Doing an internet business will require you to have a fast grasp on everything. The basic requirement is that you must have the needed discipline and flexibility especially in terms of technology. In the long run, you will need to learn basic information regarding the use of computer, internet, and other technology related things. Read More
Google has come a long way to reach today's success. Many of us probably know fragments of Google's history but not its entire story. Perhaps the 2 minutes video (below) that explains Google's milestones so far would help piece your understanding of Google together. Read More
Where on Earth do tweeple tweet from? A study conducted by Crowd Science has the answer. Read More
No doubt about it, how you handle billing affects your bottom line. More companies today are moving towards a subscription model to ensure a strong recurring revenue stream. A great billing system does not just bill your customers, it also provides you with customer lifecycle management functionality - everything from helping your customer reps to Read More
Does your business place a premium on excellent customer service standards? If not, it could be the kiss of death for your company. According to Chip Bell and John Patterson, coauthors of Take Their Breath Away: How Imaginative Service Creates Devoted Customers, satisfactory isn't good enough these days — customer service has to blow away the comp Read More
Your job is to meet the real needs of your customers as well as those of your own business. Consider these three tips for better customer service. Read More
Asher's Chocolates of Souderton, PA is using Facebook to drive sales at their Retail Store. Their Facebook campaign has been more successful then any other advertising campaign to date, including print and radio. Read about how they have integrated social behavior into their organization. Read More
"I can get the same thing for only $13,000 and your price is $18,000." Hearing something like that from a prospect stops many salespeople right in their tracks. Having no better way to handle that statement, some settle for spewing sales babble such a Read More

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