This is a short article that discusses the advantages of one-on-one computer training. Most companies spend money sending employees to take publicly scheduled computer training courses thinking longer is better when in fact the opposite is true. Private one-on-one training can be more effective and cost efficient. Read More
With all the focus in the last several years on corporate scandals, are there any CEO's who can teach us something? There are, and their stories are included in What the Best CEO's Know by Jeffrey Kramer. We cannot deny that there have been an unusual number of corporations who find themselves on the wrong side of the legal system, but that is not Read More
Mrs. Fields, a rather large mall based franchise company, is filing for bankruptcy. This can't be good.... Read More
The most efficient and effective tool is worthless unless it is used by someone that understands how to use the tool to its fullest capability. Worse, the tool can often cause more harm than good when used improperly. Read More
Yvonne Perry, owner of Writers in the Sky, welcomes Hugh Ballou to her writing blog. He discusses his book Transforming Power: Stories from Transformational Leaders to Inspire and Encourage. Read More
Social networking sites were originally formed with the intention of building friendships and networks of like minded social contacts. However, there is no avoiding the fact that these same websites also offer businesses the opportunity Read More
“Knowing your numbers is a fundamental component in the franchise sales equation but having a well defined franchise sales process in place to apply those numbers is essential to a successful franchise sales effort and to healthy franchise development” says Franchisor Coach Franchise Sales Direc... Read More
Three qualities that effective book promotion requires, include: An open mind Curiosity Creativity These traits will help you search for ways to improve your approach, your promotion, your website and more. Read More
Is your business really ready to franchise??? Read More
Rush Nigut, an Iowa franchise attorney, disagrees with a popular franchise industry blogger on whether one should WORK in a franchise before buying it... Read More

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