The slowing economy and the possibility that we're headed for a recession are worrisome subjects for small business owners, whose biggest concern is how to keep sales coming in when customers are becoming shy about spending. Read More
About one-quarter of Americans have no Internet access, according to a wide-ranging report titled "Information Searches That Solve Problems: How People Use the Internet, Libraries and Government Agencies When They Need Help" by the Pew Internet & American Life Project and the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University o Read More
Small business owners are not always the best employee motivators. Some are so wrapped up in operational issues that their people skills fall short. If your business already has employees or plans to hire them, these individuals will be critical to your success. You need to learn how to elicit good results from your employees without micromanaging Read More
If your taxes are killing you, here are 5 quick tips for finding more deductions and lower business tax costs. Read More
These tips are written from the basis of an early-stage startup with just one or two founders. It's based on startups in the U.S. (I've never started a company anywhere else). It's not meant to be exhaustive or detailed, butto just provide some of the core elements that startups usually consider when contemplating whether or not they need to hi Read More
From green marketing to high-tech billboards to social networking niches, this author provides 10 trends to consider for the coming year. Read More
While many email marketers adhere to opt-out laws, many aren't taking the opportunity to garner feedback and potentially retain a customer by engaging them in an exit conversation, found a recent survey by Lyris. Read More
Readers of newspaper Web sites are 52% more likely to share their opinions than those who do not visit newspaper sites, according to study conducted by Millward Brown and sponsored by the Newspaper National Network and Newspaper Association of America in September and October. Newspaper Web site visitors who were surveyed were also more apt to bel Read More
Direct mail may have a larger response rate than advertisers think. According to a recent Vertis Communications study users who read direct mailings are more apt (21%) to respond to offers via mailers websites.
by Kristina Knight Read More
Many marketers, particularly online, concentrate on reaching younger users. But that could be a multibillion-dollar mistake. Overall, older Americans make up the most affluent segment of the US population. And they are online.
”Internet usage by baby boomers—and over-60s—is projected to continue rising well into the future,” says Paul Verna, eMa Read More

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