Does your business have a visible positive strategy, or do your customers and employees still see your primary focus as closing more sales and killing competitors? Certainly that has been the strategy of many companies, and has worked in the past, but today’s customers and workers are looking for m Read More
Learn why startups should hire SaaS developers early to boost growth, improve scalability, and gain a competitive edge in the tech industry. Read More
As a business advisor, I always recommend that you make yourself and your business more memorable with a personal story that constituents and investors can connect with. We all hear too many sales pitches for the next exciting opportunity or breakthrough technology, and don’t remember them for long Read More
In my early experiences as a business executive and adviser, I have often seen new business investors focus primarily on the strengths of the management team, or a sustainable competitive advantage. In reality, these are core attributes for every funding equation, and while these are necessary, the Read More
Stay informed on how the latest Google Android Update influences your business apps. Key insights to help you adapt quickly. Read More
In my experience as a business professional and consultant, I found the secret to success to be solving problems more than new ideas, and the ability to make a decision. Too many business managers see themselves as idea people and delay making any decision or taking action, looking for someone else Read More
At some point in their life, hopefully, everyone strives to be the best in their chosen business role or profession. Most people think that being the best requires more intelligence, more training, and more experience. In reality, in business as well as in sports, the evidence is conclusive that it Read More
Explore the dynamic 'Future of AI in Business' with insights from CXOs. Discover how AI is reshaping industries and driving innovation. Read More
In my experience mentoring business owners and aspiring business leaders, I see far too many who seem to be driven by all the wrong reasons. Everyone seems to espouse extrinsic motivations, such as getting rich, having power, and fulfilling parent dreams, when in fact a focus on satisfying internal Read More
The gaming market has grown rapidly throughout the years. This article can help you with a few things you must know about starting a gaming company. Read More

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