In the entrepreneur world, it’s still a popular misconception that the “idea” is everything. Even though investors, like myself, have long made it clear that we invest in people, not ideas, new venture owners insist on talking about their latest “million dollar idea,” rather than their “million dol Read More
Here is a step-by-step guide as to how you can start your own board game business and rake in profits while they are selling like hotcakes. Read More
Brands are finally considering customer experience as a key competitive differentiator. And any lag on that aspect can break reputations.

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Every entrepreneur and business leader believes that he or she has the full trust of their team and their customers, and in fact most do in the beginning. In my experience, most business professionals still believe in the old proverb, “trust but verify.” In this context, that means you trust your l Read More
In this blog, we have highlighted some of the most important things to consider before hiring PHP developers for your web development project.
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If you are considering PHP development for your business, you should know the pros and cons of the programming language to make a definite choice. Read this blog to know pros and cons of PHP outsourcing. Read More
Most business leaders I know clearly understand the difference between legal and illegal activities, but often are not so clear on the line between ethical and unethical. Unfortunately, there is no universal code of business ethics, written down and enforced by some external governing body. We all Read More
We live in a time where visuals seem more important than ever. People really need to see things to believe ... Read More
Since most small business owners are justifiably proud of the service they deliver, they don’t even anticipate a negative online review or threat to their reputation, until it happens. Unfortunately, trying to recover after the fact is tough. The best way to protect your reputation online is to sol Read More
A theme I often hear from the entrepreneurs and startups I advise is that once they see that first surge of traction from customers, they can relax and enjoy life for a change. The reality could not be further from the truth. In today’s world of growing competition and customer evolution, holding y Read More

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