After working in business at all levels, and consulting to entrepreneurs for years, I’m still surprised to see so many situations where things that should be easy are painful to customers, and lead to customers hating your business. How could any rational employee or executive fail to do his or her Read More
One of the significant questions that come up in your mind when you choose to get custom software developed is how much would it cost? In this article, you will discover a few factors that influence custom software development costs. Read More
A common complaint I hear from my startup clients and many entrepreneurs is that rapid growth is more difficult than ever anticipated. The assumption usually is that more money is needed for marketing, or another round of new development is needed on the product. Yet I find in digging deeper, the c Read More
As I have said many times, the cost of entry for an aspiring entrepreneur has never been lower, and the total wealth of opportunities has never been larger. Today you can start a new web site business for as little as $100, produce cheap smart phone apps, or lead the effort to tap the multitude of Read More
Before you start a small business, prepare to ask yourself these three questions. Your answers will determine your readiness. Read More
With the advent of the technology, there’s a high demand for Java developers. Here are top six things you must gauge before hiring your next set of Java developers. Read More
Every entrepreneur and business person I know wishes he had more time for coaching all the members of his team. I often hear the excuse that coaching takes more time than simply diving in and doing the job for the other person, but is that really true? In fact, studies have shown that the long-term Read More
Dropshipping business is still the easiest method to make a living without having to invest too much money.
Check out how to start your very first dropshipping business! Read More
More and more customers these days are doing their own marketing research, scanning internet reviews and feedback from friends, rather than trusting messages that you push out through advertising. This is called inbound marketing, where customers are pulled to you, rather than feeling accosted at e Read More
Outsourcing is the best option for companies across the globe. This article explains the benefits of outsourcing Java development to foreign countries. Read More

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