Do you want a chance to earn a living from the comfort of your own home?
Working from home is no longer just a fantasy. Nowadays you can realistically earn a good income online, all from the comfort of your own home. If you are looking for work from home jobs for moms, you’ve come to the right pla Read More
One of the hottest new trends in real estate is making an impact on the business world. Entrepreneurs around the country are turning to tiny houses, or small shed-like structures to house their offices or business headquarters.
Below are some of the companies currently offering these types of stru Read More
There’s no one right way to stand out in business. It takes creativity and innovation. The methods vary but the goal is the same — to distinguish yourself and beat out the competition.
Members of the online small business community have plenty of insights into what makes different businesses stand Read More
With over 70 sessions and an extensive Expo Hall containing more than 90 exhibitors, SleeterCon is one conference that offers broadly focused solutions for accountants and small business owners alike. This isn’t a conference that focuses on one idea or approach. Instead, SleeterCon offers a spectru Read More
As Black Friday 2015 fast approaches, shoppers and retailers are getting ready for the single busiest day of the year. In the U.S. alone, $9.1 billion was spent by shoppers in stores in 2014, which doesn’t include online sales.
However, a new survey conducted by Prosper Insights and Analytics on b Read More
With the use of live migration, virtual servers can be migrated to another physical server for tasks such as performing maintenance on the physical servers without closing them down. As a result there is no impact on the end user. Another advantage of virtualization technology is that its encapsula Read More
I recently ran into an ad by Audi: a connected brochure, allying online and offline channels to the perfection, creating engagement like never before.
This marketing concept is called connected paper, and others have started using it. I share some great examples and leave it to you to share your t Read More
Using business data, and storing it within the organisation and on the cloud can help a company derive business insights that can influence company strategy, identify new markets, consumption patterns, etc.

This advanced way of looking at a company’s business has changed the IT manager’s life f Read More
The alarming fact is that cybercrimes are here to stay and there is nothing enterprises can do to completely stop it. Every organization is vulnerable to cybercrimes. Another upsetting fact about cybercrimes is that some of these incidents wouldn’t have happened without a little help from the insid Read More
Zendone is a polished, minimal, web-based implementation of Getting Things Done (GTD). It is the software equivalent of a gothically pimped piece of Ikea furniture called STOLVIKRLM and it aims provide a simple, elegant tool for proponents of GTD. Let's see how it can help get tasks under control. Read More

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