Offering a wireless hotspot and internet access to guests can open up new avenues for a business. Regardless of whether it is a restaurant, café, or some other kind of business, customers are quite likely to stay longer, buy more items and also visit more frequently with the knowledge that they can Read More
Big Data technologies – in the last few years – have emerged as some of the biggest change agents in the digital age having swept across the testing and production functions of many organizations and then, transformed the way businesses work by creating real-time use cases. By collating information Read More
Understanding how gamification works is one thing, making it a viable option that works in a real-life business environment is something quite different. Here is a pragmatic and simple methodology that will put you on the road to successful gamification as the basis of Service Management is to alig Read More
Beacon technology has made the shopping experience much more exciting than before. In-store retail and payment process or procedures are the two primary objectives that the Beacon Technology looks into. Read More
Digital mapping technology isn't just used for finding local businesses--it can also provide a warning to drivers approaching dangerously congested traffic areas, construction... and now even active railroad crossings. Learn about the upcoming Google Maps update in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
A few months ago, I did a non-scientific survey on this site asking the following question of anyone who wanted to answer it:
“What’s the best way to learn more about entrepreneurship?”
I promised to present the results in a post. I’ve finally gotten around to doing that and have included the res Read More
In Things You Need to Know this Week, millennials take over the world! Amazon’s Echo is here, and Facebook video trolls YouTube.
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Tumblr is rolling out “Tumbler TV” For GIFs lovers, which will display continuous streams of GIFs that users can tune out to. “Browse over to Never touch your computer again, because now it’s perfect forever. We kind of made this whole thing by accident,” said Tumblr officials. Read More
Analytics will would give you a better insight as to how your Shoppers Response or Behave when choosing products from the shelves. Read More
Whether you run a business completely online or have a small town storefront, technology can offer tools to make your everyday tasks easier. Members of our small business community have plenty of experience dealing with these tools and keeping up with the technology trends that can impact their bus Read More

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