Here's a new way to get Microsoft to pay attention to you: Slip a brief message into the malicious Trojan horse program you just wrote. That's what an unnamed Russian hacker did recently with a variation of Win32/Zlob, a Trojan program victims are being tricked into installing on their computers. Read More
Shopping for essentials can be tiresome for many. First you need to move around such a vast place searching for your stuff and then standing in long queues to pay the bills. Wouldn't you want your shopping to be a hassle free experience where you enter into the supermarket, pick up things you need and walk out without having to stand in queues fo Read More
Information security company SafeNet has developed a data protection encryption and key management security service for retailers still struggling to comply with the Payment Card Industry's Data Security Standard. Read More
McAfee warns that lots of fake Google Code projects have been created by cyber-criminals in order to push malware to unsuspecting users. The projects promote adult videos that prompt users to download malware in the form of fake video codecs. Read More
I expect that the current recession will last through all of 2009 and will accelerate the adoption of virtualization technology. Up until now, virtualization--especially x86 server virtualization--has been pushed forward by the huge hardware and operational savings accrued from app server consolidation. Sadly, the consolidation of whole businesses Read More
Everyone knows there is no silver bullet for security. And like all organizations, government agencies have to contend with increasingly complex, potentially damaging and a surprisingly sophisticated new class of security threats. Learn what five steps you can take now to feel confident that you are being proactive and preparing your organization Read More
Complinet's 5th Compliance Awards ceremony will take place at Park Lane's prestigious Grosvenor House, January 22, 2009. Read More
A lot of budget-strapped CIOs are going to be telling their systems and storage directors to take another look at consolidation this year. These days, consolidation means virtualization. Only recently, that mainly meant VMware ESX. That is still the weapon of choice for many reasons, but suddenly Microsoft actually has a competitive product. After Read More
Amy Johnston knows how to bring art and technology together. Her concept of Hidden Agenda makes sure that fashion never remains away from technology. For this purpose she used forty five pieces of black RFID tags and sterling silver to create an eye catching open mesh collar. Read More
Today vonJeek/THC released his tool and a video how to duplicate (clone) and modify a Passport with RFID chip. The weakness is in the way the system has been rolled out. The terminal accepts self-signed data. This attack is different to the grunwald attack. VonJeek's attack makes it possible to copy, forge Read More

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