Summer is almost here. Most small non-seasonal businesses will experience a decline in activity especially during July and August. This should free up at least five hours per week that can be dedicated to those tasks that seem to sit perpetually on the “to do” list. Read More
The boys from Buffer has brought out a new plug in and here it is!! Keep your Tweets update whatever you're doing! Read More
Asking is a powerful tool that we all are capable of using. Still, asking is an under-utilized way of communication.

Asking is beneficial for online entrepreneurs too. Read More
It has been confirmed that the iPhone 5 or iPhone 4S will not be announced in the WWDC. However, it can't stop rumors around the release date of the 5th gen iPhone. Read More
Network effects are supposed to be the magical thing that makes online businesses huge. But do they? Read More
In an Image Optimization, there are some elements involved such as better placement in search results, optimization for user experience, and optimization for easier sharing of images on the social web. Read More
Facebook Credits to be Used for Real World Goods

Facebook's new daily deals offering, available in five cities now with plans to expand to more, will put deal offers right members' news feeds -- and if one catches their eye, they can pay for it with a credit card, PayPal or Facebook Credits. It Read More
The Real Time Business Cycle solution provides three great benefits for your business. You can go paperless and completely outsource bookkeeping and accounting! You can gain control of your business. Read More
How to Quickly Raise Seed Capital

Entrepreneurship is like a 25-level computer game. If all that you can think of when it comes to startup financing is “write a business plan and shop it around to strangers,” you’re stuck at the bottom level. There are 24 more levels above you.

Savvy entrepre Read More
There are all kinds of things you can do to be valuable to your clients and your dream clients. But, ultimately, you serve your clients at one of four levels. Read More

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