A corporation is not divorced from the community and society where it operates. Even multinationals must hire local workers for their operations. In recent times, the single most powerful motivation of corporations is profit! That is why, we've seen the rise of greed and the fall of such corporation... Read More
The "more" button in Wordpress can make it easier to track the impact of a particular blog post. Here is how to make that happen. Read More
In your entrepreneurial journey with God, you have free will to decide what's right - you can choose to be a good entrepreneur or bad entrepreneur. Read More
Social media measurements can be complicated at times especially when you're new. Is there a simpler way for measurement? Consider this social media measurement method. Read More
This is one of those movies that really can lend a lot of inspiration to the up and coming internet entrepreneur and blogger. After all, we have a real life story that isn’t just a Hollywood characterization, but is unfolding before our eyes. We can actually see the on going story of “The Social Read More
Your sales proposal document is a powerful tool in the sales conversion process. This checklist will help you create a sales proposal that boosts your conversion rate! Read More
Typos are a menace, and they always happen at the worst possible moment. Read my tips on how to avoid them. Read More
Salespeople mistakenly believe that money they leave on the table is only their money. They also leave money on the table that their client could have claimed. Read More
Nathan R Mitchell, Business Coach, Author, and Speaker addresses five tips small business owners and entrepreneurs can use to create value for their Twitter followers. Read More
Seems like it wasn’t that long ago that we were boasting that Splatforms reached out to over 100 sites. And then a short time later, that number more than doubled to over 200 sites. And at the rate that we kept adding more and more, it seemed as if it wouldn’t be too much longer [...] Read More

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