I’m a serial blogger. I just love the process of starting up a new blog and getting it going. Sometimes things go well and everything works out, but more often than not, I get bored or frustrated and quit the new blog.

This is a tale of two blogs that I’ve been involved with recently and why the Read More
Dear Big Brand, You say you want to use social media to engage, grow your business and build community. You say you care… BUT WE DON’T BELIEVE YOU. Why...? Read More
Quotes are perfect when you have to express your point in a limited amount of characters. Here’s 100 ready to simply cut, paste, and share on Twitter. Read More
But as a mom entrepreneur you already take on many roles, from marketing and sales, to customer service and accounting, not to mention your most important role – being a mom. You’re already doing so much, that the thought of creating an online presence feels a tad overwhelming and intimidating. Read More
When someone wants to buy your company, it’s often too late to get your legal act together. Make sure you do these 5 things first. Read More
It's said that we have somewhere between 12,000 (the average person) and 60,000 (the person involved in highly creative tasks) thoughts per day. That's a lot of stuff going on in our heads. Most of those thoughts are based on the things we believe to be true - stuff from our past that creates our f Read More
Some might argue that email campaigns are a thing of the past. However, email campaigns still prove to be useful and helpful in building and growing a business if implemented effectively as part of a social media marketing campaign. Read More
Learn the best LinkedIn recommendation strategy for small business and individual executives and 4 steps to writing killer recommendations for any business. Read More
Not only do owners and executives of privately-held businesses often wonder about the worth of their enterprises, they also have lots of other questions, too—like what they can do to improve the value of their business. Read More
Time is the most important thing in your life. Discover some interesting quotes, that will inspire you and help you to manage your time more effectively. Read More

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