If you own a professional services practice such as a managed IT business, etc. then you know how important your marketing message can be in getting new clients. Here I offer 3 ways to improve that marketing message as food for thought Read More
This article identifies three very common organizational communication issues that can lead to a low-morale, low-trust work environment.

There are three specific examples of how the issue was originally brought to the attention of the organization's leaders, what the original intent of the communication was and then how the underlying, real issue was brought to the surface so it could be fixed.

The 3 examples are from a real client case study and were all identified in one three-hour employee meeting to begin transforming the agency to develop a "Championship Culture Read More
It seems that lately, everyone is obsessed with traffic. Unless it's targeted traffic, though, it's just a lot of noise. Your marketing needs to reach your ideal clients Read More

Marketing podcast with Liz Strauss (Click to play or right click and “Save As” to download – Subscribe now via iTunes

Liz StraussMy guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing podcast is Liz Strauss, CEO and founder of SOBCon and author of the popular Successful-Blog.com. We talk about social media, of course, the upcoming SOBCon Conference in Chicago (April 30), and the blending of online and offline worlds – my current favorite topic Read More

posterousBy now you’ve likely heard of the online content publishing tool posterous. If not, it’s billed as the dead simple place to post anything – just email us.

Anyone can set up a posterous site and add just about any form of content by simply sending an email to your account. If you want to create a blog, you can get started in about 2 minutes. Families and groups can create a site and start adding all manner of information and pictures without any technical know how at all. You can make your posterous site private if you like, get fancy with professional looking themes and create custom domains. The tool can easily act, as it does for growing numbers, (Here’s Steve Rubel’s Stream built entirely on posterous) as an online business hub Read More
What will the workplace look like in ten years? Will we even be able to recognize it anymore? For years the workplace and corporate environment has remained relatively stable, but as company's seek new ways to cut-costs, create happier and more productive workers, and cater to the needs of Generation Y, the business landscape as we know it could change dramatically. Read More
Training new employees and training them well is key to developing a productive office. Discussion on how to effectively to educate the newest members of your team, interview with Susan Wilson Solovic, CEO of SBTV.com and author of "The Girls guide to building a Million Dollar Business" Read More
Effective communication is a key for organizational leaders to be able to positively influence their team members so the organization can achieve desired results.

Yet there are seven common mistakes leaders make that subconsciously sabotage their effectiveness and kill employee morale, motivation and productivity creating a negative and sometimes, even a toxic work environment.

This article provides an overview of the seven most common communication habits in which many leaders engage, along with the source and impact of each Read More
Our recent analysis of phone calls made by patients reveals that less than half of the calls made result in a conversation between the patient and the clinic. This poor customer service is obviously costing the clinics business. Read more about these statistics here Read More
Market tolerance for Director's and Officer's Liability Insurance (D&O) is in flux. Both public and private organizations carrying D&O insurance should be prepared for potential changes in both coverage and premium Read More

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