Be on the look out for a business sponsor in a company to help you sell. The business sponsor will typically have wins that they can receive if your product or service is used by their company. Read More
Where are you "headed"?

A couple of years ago, I had this “Sales Taxi” idea pop into my head. It carries a double-meaning... Read More
Everyone wants to keep their clients, especially their key accounts. But not everyone deserves to keep his or her key accounts. Do you want to create loyal clients? Ask yourself these questions (no lie, this is going to sting a little . . . maybe more than a little). Read More
Now every time you click you 'LIKE' something: e.g. a movie, book, music, a news story or an FB Page - this data is added to the general social search engine that is Facebook and this updates your permanent Facebook profile at the same time. Read More
Brands and businesses of every sort are jumping all over social media, starting Facebook pages, Twitter accounts and blogs. Restaurants are experimenting with guerilla videos, Foursquare is blowing up, Groupon is worth over a billion dollars leveraging the group buying power inherent on the web. Read More
Occasionally, I’ll read an article suggesting that small businesses aren’t seeing the value of social media, the evidence most often cited being a lack of direct sales for some business owners. And each time I want to ask, what were their initial strategies for using social media? What about the other benefits they might see? Read More
During PubCon South’s Online Reputation Monitoring & Management panel, I was asked to talk about a topic near and dear to my heart: social media monitoring!I resisted the urge to basically tell everyone to head to Trackur for their free account–after all, I had 15 minutes to pad out–and instead shared the free tools I think get the job done. Read More
Have you ever watched a CNN or Fox News Channel report on a small business or entrepreneur talking about his or her company? Readers ask all the time how can I get my small business on CNN? If you’re a regular reader of this blog you know there are all kinds of ways to get this kind of publicity. Read More
Not every business can apply every one of these lessons. But, David Zinger ( finds lessons about creating employee engagement from...2 boys and a sewer. Read More
Your information technology brochures should have a modern style that can keep up with the emerging trends in your field in order not to be left behind by your competitors. The marketing brochures you create for your company should posses clean, smart, and sophisticated design that can be carried out all throughout your campaign. To help you create powerful marketing pieces, I’ve put together 12 Read More

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