What's your personal brand strategy? Social Media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are just tactical “vehicles” through which you can communicate your brand strategy (whether it is your personal brand or your company brand)... Read More
When a business wants to provide a service via their website or web application, they want to ensure that their users experience a good service without compromising on security. This blog discusses building in a focus on security from the start when building a website or application to ensure a quality and secure user experience. Read More
Today there are over 37.9 million people ages 65 and older in the United States, according to US Census’s population estimates…, and projections estimate that the senior demographic will balloon to 88.5 million in 2050.

The dramatic increase in the number of people living in retirement age presents new challenges for the growing number of families that are unable to provide relative-to-relat Read More
Twitter’s role as a conduit for the Zeitgeist is unrivaled, and it has almost single-handedly ushered in the era of real-time search, and social CRM. But, it’s the online equivalent of HBO – important more because of who uses it and the media’s infatuation with it, rather than the actual size and impact of its audience. Read More
Big brands have a lot going for them – their logo is instantly recognizable, their products and packaging are familiar, and they often have a brand advocate.
But brand advocates don’t just belong in the realm of big business. They can be equally valuable for small business, if not more so. And you don’t have to pay someone to do it for you – your greatest brand asset is you!

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Have you struggled with mapping out your business's plan? Is it an item on your To Do List that you keep ignoring? Have you even considered writing a business plan? Tim Berry has created a series of 13 videos in his area of expertise, Business Planning. Read More
One of the best ways to not have to compete on price is to become a known and trusted brand. A brand that is recognized, is a brand that can be trusted, and your buyers will pay a premium for it. Read More

Get in the Flow

Get in the Flow - http://results.com Avatar Posted by StephenLynch under Management
From http://results.com 5209 days ago
One of the key ingredients for a happy and successful life is to experience the state of “flow” as frequently as we can.

“Flow” is the mental state in which you become fully immersed in what you are doing with a feeling of energized focus and full involvement. Other terms used to describe this state include: “in the zone”, “in the groove”.

Here are some tips to help you achieve “flow” m Read More
I really enjoy Target. Target is a strong brand, and the shopping experience is as enjoyable as it is frequent for both me and my wife. But as a direct digital marketing professional I cannot help but notice room for improvement in Target's recent SMS-based mobile marketing campaign launch. I have now received my second SMS delivered incentive… and it is actually more generic than the first. Read More
What's the one thing people don't always tell you about marketing? Click now to find out. Hint: it's not about brand, or message, or big budgets. Read More

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