How to add a little extra to your clients purchase, make them feel good about their purchase. How this will spread word of mouth and referrals for your business. Read More
With spring in the air, it is time to open the windows and let some fresh air in, and clean out winter's rut. Same goes for your pipeline, get rid of the trash the clutter, and bring in some opportunities that will grow nicely over the next couple of months. Read More
Check out four cool ways in which you can get a lot more out of your YouTube videos. We'll show you: Annotations, Captions, AudioSwap and Insights Read More
Google Apps is a fantastic service for small businesses as it provides a hassle-free solution for majority of small business requirements such as email, scheduling, document storage, publishing, collaboration etc. Read More
Each Saturday, we’ll Hit the Links.

As your Marketing Caddy, I’ll share with you some of the best “Holes” I discovered during the past week stumbling around the “InterWebs” to help you Build Your Business Online.

Enjoy your Round! Read More
In a recent report released by Nielsen Wire, the average web users across 10 countries spent roughly five and a half hours on social networks in February 2010. This is a two hour increment from the same time last year. Despite boasting the largest unique social networking audience, the US is only third as compared to Italian and Australian web surfers in terms of the time spent per person on the Read More
Not every business expert opposes the health care bill that could be passed by the U.S. House as early as Sunday. In this link from the Center for American Progress Action Fund is a letter signed by economists and other supporters spelling out the plan's benefits. Though the benefits for small business aren't really mentioned. What's your opinion? Will the proposed health care bill help or hurt U Read More
In this interview with Doug Jeruzal and Ricardo Spence, the co-founders of Secure Innovations, LLC, we get double the insight, and twice the advice on what it takes to succeed in a start-up built by smart people using the latest technology. Read More
Many Facebook apps are built for casual use. But there are quite a few apps that are ideal for a business Fan Page. These are useful for customizing your page with greater detail, showcasing your content from other social sites, and getting more information from your customers. Here are five essential Facebook apps that your business may want to take for a spin. Read More
Above this there is the truth that they all add one way links to your website which is a great point, and the ability to market these articles to drive additional traffic and create a PR on the article page is an extremely valuable way of gaining links to your site from PR ranked pages. Read More

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