Building a Smarter Planet by IBM recently created a 5 minute video to explain what is currently happening when the digital world meets the physical and intellectual and the emerging trend of Internet of Things.
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Sales managers and executives are constantly trying to figure out if they are going to meet or exceed plan month after month… quarter after quarter. As the end of the quarter approaches, managers call a meeting to figure out what everyone is going to do to ensure they hit their goals. Sound familiar? Read More
Facebook just keeps getting better as days past by; depends on how you see it though. After a few days of rolling out their new search suggestion feature, indicating that they are serious about search, Facebook has now announced that they are going to release a new feature soon in April; location-based service according to the New York Times.
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The new look business pages have made building a page on Facebook a must, however many of you just build with what is there in front of you without realising you can do and have so much more.

Don’t leave your FB Page looking boring and hope that that will do, here’s a hint go and take a look at your page right now, pretend to be a potential customer or client. What do you see? Does anything on Read More

Micromanage Yourself

Micromanage Yourself - Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5210 days ago
No one likes to be micromanaged. But being successful and doing quality work require that you micromanage yourself, keeping yourself on task and focused. Read More
Do you target early adopters as part of your marketing strategy. If you don't you're probably missing out on one of the most influential buyer segments that lead to larger sales volumes.

This blog post will share some thoughts in this area and provide a link to a new white paper from Ad Age and Yahoo that provides some very interesting date on early adopters. Read More
There were 2203 separate stories analysed across 10 newspapers in Australia between September 7 and 11, 2009 to determine whether they were initiated by public relations or promotions. The survey revealed that many news stories are based on PR-driven news. Henceforth, news that the news is based on non-news isn’t technically news; mainstream media gets tougher to swallow.
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Do you want to see how to increase your sales? Did you know that the typically response or buy rate from an email newsletter is 5%? Utilizing an email newsletter can have a dramatic impact on your overall sales – grow your email newsletter list and increase your sales. Read More
Steve Gilliard weighs in on the geeks vs. nerds debate and in my opinion, puts the whole thing to rest.Well, the difference between geeks and nerds are worldiness. Geeks like odd, hip things, like Steve Earle, manga and Lupin the Third on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. They cackle at Sealab 2120 and love Aqua Teen Hunger Force. They wear soccer jerseys and build computers and appreciate sushi. I w Read More
Social media will emerge as a viable way for firms to market themselves and build customer loyalty, it has been claimed.Speaking at the Technology For Marketing & Advertising 2010 conference, Direct Marketing Association commercial director Kevin Dendy predicted that social media and mobile advertising will become increasingly common over the coming year. Read More

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