Small business owners often find themselves in a constant state of emergency. Emergencies can occur through no fault of your own, however; putting out fires on a daily basis is a sign that your business systems, processes and practices are not functioning properly and are ineffective.
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If you've used Twitter for a while, you've probably noticed that many companies are repurposing their press releases into web landing pages as a way to further promote their white papers.

But many companies fail to add the necessary visual elements that ensure success. This blog post will provide you with several simple tips that can enhance your online press releases and ensure a greater numb Read More
After reading the press blitz from the industry publications last Friday I was fairly geeked up about what promised to be a really great, consumer-friendly mobile marketing approach.

Boy, have I been disappointed so far. Read More
You have with a website a powerful communication tool. Most Local Business Pros sense this, yet struggle with tapping into this power. Mostly, it’s because graphic designers and website builders- those folks you no doubt hired to build your site- don’t have a clue about marketing and the sales process. Read More
Whether you sell handmade jewelry, baby bibs, or e-books, good product photography is essential for your small business. Many small business owners start nervously biting their fingernails at just hearing the words product photography. They think that they have to own expensive equipment and have years of training to take good photographs. Not so, my friends. With a little bit of research and Read More
Interview with Stephanie Bagley project manager at Vaynermedia who spearheads the NHL's social media efforts. Includes advice for entrepreneurs on social media. Read More
I don’t know who’s ultimately at fault here, so I’m giving both Microsoft and Google red cards for childish behavior and losing site of the needs of their customers. Luckily, I have a customer generated fix. Read More
If you want to become a truly great salesperson, focus on the differentiations that make you and your product unique. Remember that YOU are Nature's greatest miracle! Read More
The goal of any business is for the customer to walk away happy with the transaction. Whether it be product, service, etc., the customer should ALWAYS walk away happy with a feeling of satisfaction that they made the right choice. Tom's Shoes has taken that one step further. Not only do their customers walk away feeling good about a purchase of well made, fairly affordable shoes, they also now wa Read More
Networking events form a huge part of business and every individual in business should be able to make the most out of networking events that they attend. However, not everyone is a people magnet. If you are trying to rock during your next event, here are five steps you can implement and build upon. Read More

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