Your business is doing well. Your customer base is growing, and during the last quarter you actually turned a profit for the first time since you opened your doors last year. You have a solid business plan and now it’s time to think about moving out of your rented space, buying more equipment, or perhaps hiring more employees. Read More
I've been getting a lot of invitations to connect with strangers on LinkedIn. I take the trouble to reply to these requests and politely refuse the invite. Last week I got a snide reply back accusing me of not understanding how to network. That experience informed this new blog post. Read More
Suppose you’ve just been severely criticized, here are ways to help you handle critics and criticisms in a meeting: Read More
It isn’t often I write a post about someone else’s blog post but I feel compelled to do so since I feel a great marketing lesson needs to be revealed. And it's a brilliant one. Read More
Google Analytics is a great free tool for businesses. Reports like Top Traffic Sources help business owners identify what online tools are working best for them. Read More
With the rise of social media, the most common question that was raised is which social media sites should a business use? Obviously, there’s no magic or easy solution to that question because the choice really depends on your goals, strategy, resources and your industry. Read More
According to Innovators Forum guest blogger Bob Goedjen

When we refer to barriers to entry for a business we are not talking about such issues as normally required start-up costs of business but rather about those things that are inherent in the industry or selected market place that impede a small business or any business from entry.  Significantly these often become an asset once you have en Read More
According to Innovators Forum guest blogger Susan Fantle Along with today's many discussions about social media, there is a lot of talk about “content”and the critical role it plays in B2B marketing.
Content is FREE information that business marketers offer to prospective customers to generate qualified leads that can,
hopefully, be turned into future sales.
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A well organised usability test not only provides feedback from a user’s perspective on the site’s ease of use, but it also points to where improvements can be made. This blog contains details on how best to organise a usability test. Read More
Recently, a routine Facebook code update sent hundreds of private messages to the wrong person. The private messages that were misdirected include messages about sex and divorce, devotion and infidelity, cancer and rubdowns. This major glitch in the system, indirectly points out how vital it online privacy has become. Read More

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