Visual images in presentations, whether for business or for other social events, are idea enhancers. Keep in mind that audience members are still listening to what is being said while the graphics are shown. Why is this an effective approach to present products or ideas? The “double message” reinforces the memory process. Read More
No one can deny it. The bursts of the Internet are always held together by one thing – writing. If you are looking for copywriting services then you want to make sure that you get writing that is a true representation of your image. More than ever, writing has become more than a bunch of words put together and is now a marketing tactic that is used to build your brand identity and image online. Y Read More
The Obama administration's February 2009 economic stimulus legislation has increased the employee benefits costs for businesses that are now expected to foot a larger portion of the bill for employees who no longer work for them due to layoffs. According to, federally mandated health care coverage for laid-off employees through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act o Read More
The importance of a good employee benefits plan for your small business goes beyond being a good recruitment and retention tool though those certainly are two key reasons you should have a competitive plan in place. This post from Small Business Notes can help get your business focused on the importance of developing a good plan if you haven't got one already and give you some pointers about what Read More
Optimism allows the salesperson to continue in the face of adversity. It allows the salesperson to hear no and to lose deals without attaching the negative meaning that would prevent them from taking future actions. Read More
This article explores the often overlooked practice of putting contact forms on key pages of your web site -- the best way to generate leads from your existing web site. Read More
Business owners who have online catalogs are quick to discover, whether through research or trial-and-error, product library management plays a part in success. Read More
Last Thursday, February 18th, we offered our second webinar. Even though our monthly sessions are for companies that want to embrace social media, this one was more oriented to staff in the Sales and Marketing departments. Read More
How to increase the amount your client spends with you and gain a larger portion of the wallet. Utilize other products or services that your company sells to remove the competition. Read More
The best way to demonstrate value is to increase your value to your buyer. You can differentiate not only based on what you deliver, but how you sell. Deliver value, not subservience. Read More

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