Just started your blog? Or maybe you’ve had one for awhile but now it’s time to get serious. But how do you get more people to read your blog? Read More
A recent report released by a Paris-based web intelligence firm Semiocast revealed that half of messages shared on Twitter are not in English, in a study of 2.8 million tweets. The most prominent Asian languages used to communicate on Twitter are Japanese and Malay. The analysis ranks English top while Japanese, Portuguese, Malay and Spanish followed suit amongst the 41 languages found. Read More
Sales is about creating positive outcomes for others. In order to create these positive outcomes for others, the salesperson has to have both the desire and the ability to do so. Take these actions to demonstrate that you care! Read More
This article talks to the Small Business person who may still be on the fence about social networking and its benefits. Read More
We summarize and provide great presentation slides of an event that discussed social commerce and social media for small business with some real experts in social media. An excellent case study is presented and also PR tips for small business are highlighted too. Read More
How to put real estate listings on Google. Showcase your listings above your competition and get more prospects buying. Part 4 of 4 parts on how to get listed on Google. Read More
As a sales professional you should be thinking ahead to get ahead of situations. This may not always be easy, but it does yield better results than excuses as to why you didn't. Read More
March is approaching; it’s time for students to seek internships or jobs again. Yet, chances are only given to people who are well-prepared. Please use this article as a guide and a resource to better your chances of getting hired. As a journalism student studying Public Relations at the University of Oregon, this post is specifically tailored for students who are seeking journalism or PR based i Read More
When creating an employee benefits package for your small business, competing with huge companies may not be possible, but be sure you have the basics that employees expect. At least keep up with other small and growing businesses and what they provide employees. And think about some special perks you may be able to offer that set you apart. For more, read "Standard Benefit and Employment Package Read More
For the most part, online businesses are required to comply with the same rules and regulations of traditional small businesses. When it comes to taxes, however, several additional issues come into play. Check out this quick guide to find out what all business owners in the e-commerce world should know. Read More

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