Vietnam relationships with Chenese government have a long historical base, especially in terms of territorial and commercial issues. What has cought my attention recently was an obvious link between a major minig deal with Chinese corporations and a suspicious disappearance of Vietnamese websites and blogs related to the governmental relationsgips between Vietnam and China.. Read More
The value of social media to business is not return on investment as much as it is listening to your market. Read More
These turbulent economic times can wreck havoc with big and small businesses alike. However, it is far easier for a small business to avoid “Fatal Distraction” and turn their business around quickly. The secret is sharpening your focus rather than becoming bogged down with minutia. Read More
Is it possible that when so many are crying gloom and doom, that this could be a good time to start a new business? Is one man’s junk another man’s treasure? Are there insider secrets of which small business owners should be aware? Read More
Marketing on the internet is used by just about every type of business these days, and there's certainly no shortage of resources to learn about this fairly new type of marketing. The editors, Shawn Collins, and Missy Ward come from... Read More
With all of the effort you are putting forth to excel in your career, there's nothing worse than wasting a perfectly good referral ...When Good Referrals Turn Bad. Read More
As solo business owners, we sometimes feel like Lone Rangers on our own, trying to figure out ways to bring in more clients. A business owner's survival and growth ...Build a Powerful Referral Network and They Will Come. Read More
Imagine if your business chose to forgo the regular customer and client appreciation and thank-yous in favor of one giant gesture one day.

While Open Houses and traditional Appreciation Days are great marketing tools and a way for brick and mortar businesses especially, to connect with their customers, it does not, or should not be the only time you thank your customers or clients. Read More
According to, it costs 5-7 times more to acquire a new customer than it does to sell more to an existing customer. Despite this, most businesses invest their limited marketing dollars exclusively on strategies to attract new customers. Read More
Want to know what's being said about you or your company online? Then read this article for helpful tips & links. It also has useful suggestions for managing your limited time spent online, and for developing an audience. Read More

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