Google Buzz reminds me of an RSS feed combined with all of social networking neatly packed under the Google infrastructure. Read More
Dear Entrepreneurers, Choosing to start your own company is a decision you have to come to terms with within yourself. Other people can not decide this for you. Read More
How Safe are Mobile Social Networks today? We are now are now able to access social networks through our mobile phones, not just computers. A recent report released by the European Network and Information Security Agency (Enisa) pointed at the the security dangers...- Read More
A common mistake that many people make is using the wrong kind of social media for their particular marketing objectives. Then when they receive lackluster results they conclude that social media does not work. In a successful social media campaign, it is imperative that you match the right tool for the right job. Here is a list of the right social media tools for the right marketing job. Read More
With today’s economic conditions, it seems like marketers get a steady stream of bad news. Well, perhaps “bad” is too strong… just unfavorable news.Sometimes even good news – like the fact that sales numbers are forecasted in the positive range for the retail sector in 2010 – are mitigated by the fact that the increase is forecasted at ONLY two and a half percent. Reading the business news can be Read More
A thorough annual review of your customers is required to ensure your business is making a profit from each and every customer. Taking a truly objective look at each customer will ensure your success and profitability. Read More
There are times when you just don’t want Google to crawl certain pages such as login pages, development pages that aren’t ready to be seen or used by web surfers, temporary areas, and other web content like that. But, how can you stop Googlebot from crawling those pages anyway? Read More
For the serious entrepreneur, working from home does have its benefits, and it has its pitfalls as well. Like any success in business, it takes dedication and planning to make it work. Here are three common issues the work-from-home entrepreneur faces, and some tips to help overcome them. Read More
If you checked out the #smbiz Twitter chat a few weeks back you’ll recall we focused on mobile marketing for small business and entrepreneurs. As we discussed during the chat, this is going to get big in 2010. Read More
No matter what your company does or sells, it needs a website -- at most, a place where you can engage your community of customers and clients; and at least, a simple contact page where people can find you without cracking the Yellow Pages.

If you like to be in control of your web presence at all times, and save some money in the process, consider the advantages of using an online blogging pla Read More

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