Have you ever come across people that you’ve tried calling and emailing but failed to receive any response from them? However, when you text them, they reply. Read More
Great story about www.NewAppIdea.com; a community where people with great app ideas but no programming skills meet expert iPhone app developers. Read More
Why splurging on a professionally designed website is well worth the cost for entrepreneurs. 5 Advantages include increased PR opportunities and sticking out. Read More
How to set up and use Google Reader to get all the new content on sites that you read. Reduce time searching and increase time reading. Read More
Prospecting doesn't have to be a drag. Here are three things you can do to take the sting out of it. Read More
The big idea is to find Influencers and entice them to persuade their followers to do business with you. Good idea but uncertain and expensive. There is a better way to use social influence that's easier and more effective. Obi-Wan was right. Make your enthusiasts into a Force to gain new customers. Read More
Most sales people hate prospecting, but for all the wrong reasons. It is not the rejection as much as the lack of preparedness. Here we look at three key elements to succeed in prospecting. Read More
The openness to ideas, especially ideas that you disagree with and that make you uncomfortable, is one of the foundations of mastery. Judge these different perspectives on their effectiveness in a single situation, knowing that there is no right and wrong. Read More
The success of a promotional brochure lies in its design. It should be able to act as a magnet, attracting people to participate in your event. Designing your brochures is possible with easy-to-follow tutorials and design software programs available. Before you start working on your event brochure design project, read these following tips to make sure you are on the right track. Read More
Marketing campaigns do not have to be expensive in order to make them work for your business. You can always rely on postcards to communicate your message in the most cost-effective way possible. Launch efficient postcard marketing campaigns without spending a lot on promotions with these helpful tips: Read More

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