A series of articles by Internet Marketing Advisor, Kathleen Gage. Discover numerous ways to position yourself on the Internet while increasing your income. Read More
This review represents about 12 months of experience with one of the most popular virtual assistant firms in India. We started working with Brickwork India in late 2006, and wrote our first review in March, 2007 (on our blog at http://www.r3r.com/blog) ... then we updated it approximately every quarter. This is the result. Read More
Social media tools, such as blogs, Twitter and Facebook, represent the next big thing for growing businesses to get the word out about their products and services. So what does this mean for traditional public relations? Some bloggers have gone so far as to pronounce PR dead in the water. No surprise PR folks don't want to hear that, so they gath Read More
The difficult question is when should you loosen your purse strings and by how much? Each of us small business persons has to decide on our own based on the circumstances we face. Read More
To get web popularity , you must submit to a certain set of tips and Google "rules." Then you page ranking will increase, and logically since you have it for search engine optimization, you will get your web traffic, as well as targeted web traffic. Read More
Change is the one true constant of just about everything, and packs as heavy a punch in the marketing space as anywhere else. Change is perpetual, inevitable and, as seen of late in our economic downturn, outright challenging for marketers at all levels. Read More
With all of the craziness in my life lately, I've been putting in some mad hours on my business. In all the chaos, I haven't taken the time to mention two newer sites that you should be keeping your eyes on. The first is The Affiliate Academy and is Vic's membership site. If any of you out there aren't familiar with Vic, you need to become so in a Read More
A recent marketing study by ServiceXRG found that most online shoppers (74.5 percent) use a company Web site to find needed information about products and services. However, less than half (44 percent) said the information provided met their needs and expectations. Read More
Here are the five solid, complete, and intuitive main ideas Kram and Higgins put forward and suggestions after each for building your own Personal Developmental Network. Read More

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