I found this cool article by Jessica Merritt called, 50 EdWeb Tools to Keep Tabs on Your Competitors and appreciate the many suggestions she provides. As an additional layer, I thought I'd annotate the tools with some competitive analysis. Read More
Credibility comes from the “context and content.” People meet us and try to place us among what they already know. They use their experience and our first impression — how we look, what we say, what we do — to recognize signs that might validate our consistency, integrity, competence, and trustworthiness. Read More
Depending on the purpose for attending a conference, goals may vary. Here are some common goals based on the various reasons for attending any kind of marketing conference: Read More
Lead nurturing and scoring are among a marketer's best tools during an economic downturn. Even marketers who already manage a quality nurturing and scoring program need to adapt for economic conditions. Read More
Like most small web-based startups, my business relies exclusively on traffic that is generated through the major search engines with, of course, Google carrying the most weight. When I started this business I understood intuitively that Google placement would most likely predict the success or failure of this venture but I truly had zero experien Read More
When Google is the front door, the side door, the hidden key under the mat, the cash register, the finder of everything we ever lost, and everything we wished we'd lost, what comes next? When everyone is a newspaper, a magazine, a TV station, a radio station, a conference, a curator, an educator, a business owner, a shopkeeper, what do we have? Wh Read More
CRM software or (Customer Relationship Management) software is one of the most widely used software applications used by businesses to store critical information related to customers or prospective customers which can be used for marketing, sales, customer service and other areas of business which involves contact with potential or existing custom Read More
The survey found that everybody was spending money on demand-generation programs, but was missing a trick in not looking closer to home at their existing customer data and leveraging it further. We all know that it is easier to sell more of a product or service to a current customer than it is to try and get a potential customer on board, so it b Read More
In these economic down times when cost cutting is the mantra the positive effect is that it forces you to think out of the box and come up with alternative solutions to ensure you get the most out of your marketing and lead generation dollars. After having discussed this with a number of marketers and bloggers who have debated how will the recessi Read More
Many people think that there is a secret when its not. Read More

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