For a while now we have been focusing a bit more on the marketing side of our B2B Marketing and Sales Tips. Here are a few great sales tips from Brian McRae, Market Development Manager at ReachForce. Read More
Here's a paradox of successful headlines: the less they sell, the more they can sell. Our most recent web clinic looked at research and ideas that support a vital, yet often overlooked, principle: The objective of your headline is not to sell, but to connect with your reader. Read More
Search is a very important part of online communication. I know you don't normally think of it that way, but think about it for a moment. When you ask Google for something, it's a query and a response. It's a communications path. Think now like a marketer. Every communication is a chance to build a business relationship (or a nonprofit relationshi Read More
All large companies suffer from bad press. Many times, these articles are incorrect, one-sided, or an attempt to damage the top player in a market. If a significant publisher posts such an article, it can end up near the top of the search results for that company. Read More
Several of the TopRank Online Marketing team attended a Social Media Breakfast last Friday, along with about 150 local business leaders, code warriors, internet marketers, agency peeps and social media enthusiasts, to hear a presentation by David Meerman Scott, author of “The New Rules of Marketing & PR”. TopRank CEO Lee Odden posted a short write Read More
Let's say you've gotten the approval to get your company involved in social media marketing and are ready to launch your efforts. How will you define success? Read More
Face it. There are few things as intimidating as the blinding white of a blank page. It makes no ... Read More
In my estimation, not entirely. In fact, I'm not a big fan of blanket generalizations of any kind. I spent over a decade in both corporate and non-profit marketing, and I've worked with my share of agencies (good and bad). So let me explain what I think a Good Agency of any stripe - PR, marketing, web, and yes, social media - can do for a company. Read More
We're all pretty familiar with the well reported search landscape of the US/UK. But, in other parts of the world, the search engine landscape is very different. In this article, I'll focus on China, Japan and Russia. The goal of this article is to present PPC opportunities in counties that are not Google-centric and provide numbers associated with Read More
I keep getting email from people who want to get new businesses off the ground, but don't know where to start. They're overwhelmed, confused, and in a lot of cases ... Read More

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