Short version: a chief marketing technologist (CMT) is the person responsible for leading an organization's marketing technology. A CMT is to the CMO what, in IT-centric firms, the CTO has been to the CIO. Read More
A great post by Dan Schwabel of Personal Branding, sharing his presentation on personal branding to college students. Read More
He's the Founder/CEO of Chicago coffee shop Dollop Coffee Co., and the Founder/CEO of, a social network. Read More
Adverse credit mortgages are mortgages that are meant for people with a bad credit history. Usually, lenders will not provide a mortgage to people with a bad credit history because of the inherent risks involved in providing a mortgage to such customers. However, banks have now created new mortgage products that are meant for people with a bad cre Read More
What's the most important role for senior partners: worker bee or queen bee? Stewart Weltman makes the case that the unpopular answer here is the one that will make your clients happiest and boost your firm's bottom line. Read More
A new JupiterResearch and PayPal study revealed that consumers value payment security and payment choice more than rewards when making purchases online. According to the research, when consumers are confronted with two merchants who offer the same product at the same price, the two most influential factors when choosing where to buy are payment s Read More
From the page "Chuck clearly understands his readers and what they want to know. His blog— and this eNewsletter—are valuable and powerful because he really knows what he's talking about. We trust what he says and we're likely to accept his recommendations about products and services—even when they are his own. That is, because we trust what he s Read More
Before asking when is a good time to remortgage, it's a good idea to understand why people remortgage. Very basically, the reason for remortgaging, or moving your mortgage from one company to another, is to save money.Usually, the saving will be in the form of playing less per month in mortgage payments. If you do not save money by switching compa Read More
In order to get out of your debt, you must apply the secrets of debt freedom. These tips are the foundation of becoming debt free and creating options in your life.There is an old saying that talks about stupidity. It goes something like “the definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result”. For ex Read More

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