You can do brand marketing like big brands do without spending a fortune on it. Let us investigate some key strategies that could be used by small businesses. Read More
Silicon Valley-based Tech startup Waze combines GPS, open-source software and the power of community to deliver traffic and navigation information updated up to the minute. Read More
Every time I hear about a new startup that is in stealth mode, I wonder what problem they are hiding from whom. Of course they pretend that they are trying to avoid alerting competitors prior to launch, but too often it becomes an excuse to move slowly in a world that’s all about getting to market Read More
It seems to be a common question that new SEO clients ask. “If I run an AdWords PPC campaign in Google, will it help with my SEO?”. The thought is that if you are paying Google some money, maybe they will help you out organically, too. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way (or fortunately, dependi Read More
Consumers are hit with thousands of marketing messages each day, both online and off, and it’s exceptionally hard for any one brand to break through that clutter. I might drive by a billboard advertising a nearby jewelry store every day on my way to work for 6 months, but if I’m not looking to buy Read More
Salesforce for QuickBooks is a powerful cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) program used by many sales oriented businesses. It has many bells and whistles and is a terrific CRM and combined with QuickBooks it also seamlessly handles invoicing and billing. However, for some small busi Read More
what do MSPs see as the key midmarket hotspots, how are they turning these into opportunities for their businesses, and how is IBM helping them? To help answer these questions, I spoke with three very different IBM MSP partners to find out their views on the cloud opportunity: Read More
Yes it is true that by blogging every day you boost your blog’s traffic. However, there are cases when you can’t get in front of your computer, access it and blog every day. For instance, there are cases of black outs, cases of computer or laptop issues, cases of internet connection problems, or ev Read More
Marketing strategies are what largely determine the success of a business. It does not quite matter that your products or services are the best; the way you make them enticing and palatable to the buying public decides if your business will earn some bucks or if you will go broke in months. Read More
Hard to believe, but it's been 2 years since Resonance opened its doors. In today's vlog post, we've got a few thoughts on lessons learned since October 2010, mega-major-thanks to all those who have made our success possible, and advice for anyone thinking about making "the leap." Read More

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