All expos and shows provide excellent arenas to meet new people and build relationships for mutual gain. Most businesses rely on networking of some type to win important contracts, meet new clients and connect with new partners. Read More
One of the great things Holly does here at The Work at Home Woman is provide us with upcoming events for women bloggers and entrepreneurs. Had she not, I probably wouldn’t have known Bloggy Boot Camp was coming to Texas. And as a result, this past weekend I attended my first blogging conference. Read More
Unless you’ve been living under a rock (or still have WebTV like my grandparents...) you surely have across at least a few infographics over the last couple years. While they are still popular and widely shared, many people feel that they are being over-produced and often lazily executed. Read More
Do you struggle with ideas? Many of us wish that we could find more creative solutions to the problems besetting our home businesses. Bryan Mattimore describes some of his techniques in his new book Idea Stormers: How to Lead and Inspire Creative Breakthroughs. Read More
It’s easy to become a slave to your lifestyle if we aren’t careful with our choices. Have you become a slave to your lifestyle? Read More
If you think about it a bit deeper, if you want someone to do a great job for you then you have to invest in them. You have to nurture that talent in order for it to grow and prosper. A neglected flower rarely blooms. One of the biggest incentives that candidates are seeking out is on-site childcar Read More
Creating a website that's going to make money is pretty simple. It may not seem like that right now, but after you do it successfully a couple times... Read More
The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Using the established legal rulebook makes sense but is unlikely to change the long-term narrative.
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The best way to build up your company brand is through great content that your readers want to share. Here’s what you need to consider with every piece that you write or create.
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By Rieva Lesonsky. Have you all but given up on publicizing your small business to newspapers, TV, magazines and radio, instead focusing all your efforts on social media marketing? You could be making a big mistake. A study done this summer showed that despite the prevalence of social media, blogs Read More

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