Digital media is affecting every print-related industry you can think of, including magazines and newspapers. Read More
It amazes me when I see marketing from leading technology companies that makes such simple mistakes and misses basic B2B marketing best practices. Read More
The economy is improving—or is it? In today’s roller-coaster economic environment, the risk that a key customer of your small business might declare bankruptcy is ever-present. How can you protect your business from a key supplier or customer’s misfortune?
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With social media marketing growing rapidly it's important for business owners to be able to measure the success of their campaigns. Here are some tips on what metrics to look at. Read More
In marketing, social media is everywhere. The digital media landscape is full of social media platforms and their growth seems to be relatively unlimited.

For example, as of June 2012, Facebook alone boasts over 900 million users with almost 550 million active users per day. As of March 2012, Tw Read More
I’m an athlete, an online business builder and a part-time work at home dad (with a full-time day job). If you wonder how I manage to get stuff done, then check out this post for more info - with some practical time management tips! Read More
The contrast between the specialist-oriented career paths prevalent in the U.S. and the generalist-oriented career paths that are common in Japan can often clash, sometimes causing the parent company to loose valuable employees in the rotation shuffle. Read More
The importance of giving your customers a voice cannot be understated. Yet many businesses still struggle with how to get the customer feedback results they need to innovate and meet their markets demands. Read More
Buyers get an estimated 80% of the information they need online, use these tips to make sure that the content they're reading is your marketing content. Read More
I have a confession to make: I'm an Olympics junkie. As I was watching beach volleyball (yes, beach volleyball) this weekend, I started thinking, "What can we as bloggers can learn from these young superstars?"

The answer is: a lot. Read More

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