Here are the four big reasons to adopt responsive web design. It is the remedy for the mobile Internet, there’s really no need for a business site to have separate URLs for mobile browsers. Read More
Everything your users do or don’t do can be used to personalize and target your messages to them. Their actions provide the opportunity to reach out and deliver the right message at the right time. Event-based emails bridge the gap between these opportunities and better metrics. Read More
As new technologies emerge and rise in popularity, you need to continue to monitor and test your email marketing and templates to ensure compatibility. Read More
Thinking like a business can have unintended consequences on how consumers think *about* your business. A post about how seemingly sound business decisions can cause consumers to think twice about becoming customers. Read More
Taking the plunge and starting your own business is one of the most exciting steps an entrepreneur can take. Millions of Americans make their livelihood being their own boss, which can be a very rewarding experience. However there are pitfalls you’ll want to avoid when going this business route. If Read More
If it's true that the way we spend our money says worlds about our true priorities, then certain marketing choices betray how we really feel about our current customers. What decisions does your business make about its priorities, and what does that say to your customers? Read More
You have finally opened your retail shop and it’s time for the grand unveiling. You want it to be an event that attracts customers, garners attention, kick-starts your profits and eventual success. To make your grand opening a grand affair, take your time to prepare for the best and take advantage Read More
I'm a big fan of business and life lessons that come from unexpected sources. Here, I use my experience as a teen in a competitive drum & bugle corps to draw out a simple lesson about commitment, entrepreneurial spirit, and the importance of doing "the work that makes the work possible". Read More
That's right; I don't care. If you buy a franchise, fine. If not, fine. It doesn't really matter to me, either way. You see, franchise ownership is not for everyone. Most people have no idea how to buy one, anyway. Read why. Read More
Done correctly, A/B testing has numerous benefits, including better results for your email campaigns and more effective communication with your customers. As our coverage on this topic continues, here are three more things to keep in mind, to keep you from getting testy about A/B testing. Read More

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