One of the most confusing things about our tax code is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT). As the name suggests, the AMT is alternative method of figuring your tax. Read More
Pinterest is a great marketing tool for building big brands right from day one. While one of the main essentials of Pinterest is to get more and more Pins for your product or services. Also one of the most interesting thing about Pinterest is that it allows you just 200 characters, which means you Read More
Well! This digital world has made many great highs in market. Every day in this world some or other Gadget attracts new customers. Many brands are improving their selling skills to customer in various ways. Recently in Tablet tech, On June 18 Microsoft launched two new series of Microsoft Surface T Read More
Many entrepreneurs work hard on the proof of concept (technical), but skip any proof of the business model (revenue flow). In other words, once they are convinced that the product works, they assume their price, sales channel, and marketing will bring in the customers. These days, the technical sid Read More
Consider firing a customer or group of customers when they have become marginally profitable or have moved into negative profit territory. Read More
Review of a promising start-up called SohoOS that provides broad set of business tools that small businesses need to use for everyday business transactions. Read More
Some of the biggest mistakes which almost every startup makes is to goofing up their startup pitch. Some of them actually doesn't even have a clear idea of what the business is working and how it will generated the profit constantly in the business. However, before speaking about your business to i Read More
Here is a quick roundup of the latest happenings in the social media world: Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. Read More
Here are 26 ideas and techniques that I used to skyrocket my twitter followers to 10,000 fast... New to twitter? Build targeted followers fast... Read More
When your readers access your blog contents through RSS Feed, they become more reluctant to visit your blog regularly, because they get it all from RSS what they want from your blog. This leads to triggering less traffic to your blog and consequently, yielding less revenue than you deserve. Read More

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