Canon EOS 650D/Rebel T4i has been announced by Canon and sits in the entry level lineup though packed with a large number of creative and exciting features. Read More
After an intensive month of writing, I have finished my latest eBook titled The Solo Small Business Guide to Finding Customers. I wrote this eBook to help small business owners find customers faster and easier.

Here is an excerpt from my eBook. Read More
When it comes to insurance, small businesses stand to lose the most by not having adequate coverage. Big and small disasters, like the neighborhood power outage or the burst pipes that leads to a business shutting down for just a couple of days, hour, can force an under-insured business to close do Read More
My wife received a Pacypodium Lamerei, also known as the Madagascar Palm, a couple of years ago as a gift.  Since then the plant became a part of the household and grew nicely until about two years ago, when we moved to another house and subsequently the Madagascar Palm got a new spot in our [...] Read More
Gamification is the result of social media and its attitude towards work hard and play hard. These are new rules for company motivation. Read More
The sales world is a tough place to be in; demanding targets and hatred aimed at you. To get passed the gatekeepers and speak to the decision makers it requires a certain sales mindset. Read More
I thought Twitter was a joke. A maximum of 140 character messages? You’ve got to be kidding. There’s no way you can use something popularized by Ashton Kutcher and Oprah for marketing … Or can you? Read More
It would be nice if we could just come up with ideas and code them up in their entirety the same day. But some projects require a lot more than a few hours worth of coding. They drag on and you have to fight for the time to work on them. After a while, passion for the concept isn’t enough to keep d Read More
How variety is the spice of your search engine marketing--and especially your AdWords campaigns--as in life. Read More
In this article on, Carol Tice, a veteran business writer, goes after franchises that may or may not be right for our military veterans. Read it to see what I mean. Read More

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