There's a pretty persistent rumor that's been going around, and it has to do with Joel Libava. It seems that he likes men in kilts. Read the post, and see for yourself! Read More
Now that we’re monitoring our brand online, what do we do when we discover negative feedback from our customers? When it comes to using social media, brands seem to fear negative feedback the most. There is no reason to fear social media, however. Negative feedback, handled correctly, can be made i Read More
By Kira Swain, Social Media Manager For those of you who missed it, we opened all three SuccessConnect events with an original song and dance number by The Read More
The PR Verdict: “A” (Gold Star!) for WHO and its very public and unapologetic fight with Big Tobacco. To have had this approved by the powers that be is extraordinary. To have heard nothing from Big Tobacco warning about Big Brother bureaucracies shows that this might be working.
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For CRM software to help you with customer service, you need to make sure you choose the right tool and use it to its full potential. Read More
Sales cliché questions can be avoided, and when you eliminate them from your toolkit, you will stand out from your competition and win more deals. Learn 10 questions not to ask, from the expert sales mind of Kelley Robertson. Read More
10 Commandments of Blogging for Small Business Having a blog for your small business is vital. Businesses that blog receive 55% more traffic than those that don’t. In a month’s time B2C businesses... Read More
Implementing a CRM software solution can seem like an expensive proposition but it really should be an investment. Follow these steps for CRM success. Read More
What does it really take to get your SME noticed in social media circles? Leave aside hype and theory; here are 5 winning strategies you can use straight away. Read More
The ioSafe Rugged Portable is a portable hard drive that works with PCs or Macs, and comes in several different configurations. With prices varying depending on the device you want – you can check out the pricing on the ioSafe website. Read More

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