As a freelance writer, you will work with many clients. It's important, however, to understand the give and take in the relationship and to know when you need to move on because something is not work out. Read More
Starting a small business isn’t easy. Obtaining the financing can be difficult, especially since you might have trouble finding a bank that is willing to take a chance on you. Read More
The early days of franchising included an industry that I was part of for a decade or so; the automobile industry. Back in the day–the Henry Ford days actually, lots of entrepreneurs wanted to jump into the automobile sales action. Read More
This post highlights some of the most common mistakes made by business bloggers and ways to avoid making them. Read More
One of the hardest things for a fundraiser to do it to come up with good copy for fundraising letters and thank you letters on the spot. Sumac software solves that problem! Read More
Facebook released official Facebook plugin for WordPress. Facebook announced the launch of plugin on 12th June 2012 and this plugin makes your website or blog deeply social by integrating functionality from Facebook. Read More
Many marketers are so focused on growing their lead sources, including live voice leads, that they sometimes don’t place enough emphasis on the next (and most crucial) step – turning a lead into an actual sale, while delivering maximum customer satisfaction and maintaining the highest conversion ra Read More
Searching for content has become a whole lot easier with rich snippets. Most search engine results show listings that utilize a rich snippet, or put simply, more than just the site link. Major manufacturers use rich snippets to show images, pricing, reviews and more. Bloggers are including head sh Read More
Twitter is taking a leap into the media space with its new “expanded tweets.” Now when you look at tweets from media partners like ABC NEWS, TIME, The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times, you can hover your mouse to see the first few sentences and an image from articles before you click. It’ Read More
As a work at home mom, I have the luxury to work when and where I want, but no matter who you are or what you’re doing, there comes a time that you need to unplug and leave work behind. Read More

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