Have you ever stopped and thought about what people outside of the blogging world might think about you and what you are doing online? Read More
LinkedIn is a professional social media site that lacks the “social” part of other social media sites. It is a great site, but the options are limited (Especially when it comes to promoting your posts and engaging with others). The best method to LinkedIn is to work with groups – LinkedIn groups (I Read More
If you have a website or a blog for your small business, here are 20 simple SEO tips that will improve your visibility online and boost your traffic from the search engines. Read More
We're about to enter the second half of the year.  People are looking at their pipeline's and results to date, too often seeing a big gap in their ability to Read More
How do you convert your visitors to buyers through your content? Is it even possible to achieve conversion through content alone? Are we talking about keyword stuffing? No – we’re talking about content that’s unique, exceptional with strategically placed keywords
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Every organization is trying to integrate social media.But social TV?The USA Network is embarking on their second interactive campaign, called "Suits Recruits" (for the TV show "Suits").  Read More
Over time, the companies that survive are the ones that are constantly innovating. The world changes, and if your business does not change with it, you are likely to be overrun by your competitors and disappear into a big black hole somewhere.

But the secret is not innovation alone - it's the st Read More
How to takeover a mega niche and become the top dog in your industry... Use micro-niches to grow a steady flow of interested traffic... Read More
This is a great post on how you can use the Make a Page tool in Share a Sale to create storefronts and help to increase sales from your site. Read More
Recently we developed a short webinar focused on franchising for veterans. The information contained within the webinar is presented so that veterans can incorporate this information into their franchise investigation procedures. There are a number of generation x millennials veterans and generat Read More

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