It’s a common refrain these days, voiced by “experts” and busy entrepreneurs: business plans and business planning are pointless. It’s a seductive argument. The world moves fast, how can you forecast your sales for three years from now when it’s hard to predict what’s going to happen in three weeks Read More
Businesses crave certainty. The more you can know what will happen, the more you can reduce risk and effectively plan to increase profits. While a business degree helps, what most executives would love to have is a soothsayer to foretell the future. Read More
The influence of Latin bloggers, or “blogueras,” in the media is becoming more and more prevalent. Latinas are creating a name for themselves in the realm of social media, and their influence doesn’t stop there. Read More
A short examination and overview of microsoft's new social media platform, and how it affects users. Read More
You don't need to have a fancy browser toolbar to get valuable SEO information about a website. This article shows you all the information you can get from various browser bookmarklets and practical steps to take with that information. Read More
The PR Verdict: “C” (Distinctly OK) for PETA and its promo porn. While it may grab the headlines on day one, it raises potential problems that go beyond splash coverage. Read More
Are you struggling with how to get new customers for your small business? Are you desperately seeking leads or trying new marketing methods to attract new clients? A simpler way to boost sales and profits might be right under your nose: Try upselling or cross-selling existing clients.
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Want to get the most out of your WordPress Site? Take a look at my list of the best WordPress plugins - all of which I use on my own site. Read More
When someone hears about the word "geek", their minds set to think about the old comic book heros or the latest tech stories founders. While you might not know but the term geek was invented in its origin in the the 1500s, where the real meaning was someone who is a fool. Read More
“Whoever controls the media, the images, controls the culture.” This quote, from the outspoken American poet, Allen Ginsberg, seems to have particular resonance in today’s digital world – and provides an apt starting point for this installment of the digital literacy series. Read More

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