Customer service has always been reactionary, meaning someone to wake up and answer website email requests. That’s just not sufficient to hold today’s fickle, less loyal, and ready to jump customer. Great startups are getting ahead of the game with “anticipatory customer service,” like providing sm Read More
As a small business owner one of your major concerns probably involves keeping all your personal and client data secure. This article explains five ways to improve data security. Read More
Before you dig into how to measure social media, Gleanster's Ian Michiels advises that you should first ask if you should engage in social media, where to engage and how to engage. Read More
As a work at home mom in marketing and business development, I have come to understand a lot about people. Just to be sure... you're potential and current clients are people, right? Read More
Even with the growing popularity of social media, e-mail marketing is still one of the best ways to reach your customers. Just about everyone has e-mail address, and they’re likely to pay more attention to their inbox than they are to the thousands of messages that come across social media feeds e Read More
Do you own a travel or tourism-related business? Then I sure hope you’re considering Baby Boomers in your marketing plans. Speaking as a Boomer myself, I know this generation loves to travel. The recession may have caused Boomers to cut back on spending in some ways, but when it comes to travel, it Read More
Similar to the ugly duckling, the beauty of grants develops over time. The beauty is that over time, you don’t have to pay them back! Read More
While almost every retail and restaurant business relies on a POS system for transactions, the security of the point-of-sale system that you use could make or break your reputation with customers.

In fact, an increasing number of quick-service eateries using restaurant point-of-sale systems have Read More
People abandon shopping carts online for a variety of the reasons, but the main one is shipping costs. Learn how you can keep more of your customers through the checkout process. Read More
Often certain segments of the marketing community confuse traffic with prospects. We Don't Need More Web Traffic - We Need More Prospects Read More

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